Posted in running

“Just do it”

“Just do it” were the words Randy sent to me as I was putting off going for my run tonight. I really just wanted to go and crawl under my covers. It was a long day of work followed by bringing my children to their activities and I just didn’t feel like going back out.

The temperatures are warmer than it has been but my motivation just wasn’t there.

Finally when Randy said to “just do it” I just needed to get out there and run.

I was only able to get my one mile in. It was a struggle and took the longest time a mile has taken me in years. Why you might ask… let me show you…

A fair amount of heavy snow fell and my street was not plowed very well, if at all. The snow had started to melt but the temperature dropped and the slush was frozen solid. The clear spots were complete ice. The mile was filled with careful and strategic steps over the rough terrain. I think it is time to invest in some yak-tracks.

Despite the long time it took me to get my mile in, I still did it.

Thank you for the encouragement and support sweetie!

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